Local News

Branch 32 President, Comrade Harold Brown was presented with the King Charles III Coronation Medal on 19 Feb 2025 at Kelligrews Legion Branch 50 by the Honourable Ken McDonald, MP for the District of Avalon.

On Friday, 28 February 2025, The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 32 Bay Roberts, presented a cheque in the amount of $1,000.00 to O’Shaughnessy House in Carbonear. (L – R) Branch President – Comrade Harold Brown and Grandson Beau presenting the cheque to Chantelle Joyce representing O’Shaughnessy House. The donation came from the proceeds of the Friday Morning “Coffee and a Chat” held at the branch.

Some of the patrons of our Friday Morning “Coffee and a Chat” after the presentation of a cheque and other useful items to O’Shaughnessy House.

President Lloyd Wiseman of Clarenville Branch 27 presents a cheque for $2000.00 to Major Tina Mitchell of the Salvation Army food bank

Bay Roberts Branch 32 President Harold Brown presented a cheque in the amount of $500.00 to Comrade Philip Wood who will present the cheque to The Alzheimer Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. The money was presented from the proceeds of the Friday Morning Coffee and a Chat held at Branch 32.

President William Seymour, from Branch 41 Eastport, presented a cheque in the amount of $12,460 to Dale Stere, winner of the Provincial 50/50 draw on September 16th 2024.

Curtis Skiffington, Clarenville Branch 27 Remembrance Day Literary Contest Chair, presents Raegan Snook with her Certificate and a cheque for $100.00. Raegan was the 1st place winner (Intermediate) of the Poster and Essay Contest and the 1st place winner of the Remembrance Video contest, which was new for 2023.

The following awards were presented at the Clarenville Branch 27 Annual Honours and Awards Dinner held on 14 September:

Front row L-R: Joanne Freeman, 20 year Pin, 2nd VP Bar; Raegan Snook, 1st place winner of the Legion Remembrance Day Literary Contest, Intermediate, and Video Contest; Lloyd Wiseman, President’s Pin; Jackie Vokey, Life Membership; Sharon Janes, 20 year Pin; Val Wiseman, Executive Medal with Treasurer Bar, Branch Service Medal. 

Back row L-R: Paul Tilley, Deputy-Mayor, Town of Clarenville; Andy Hart, Executive Medal and Bar, Sgt-at-Arms Bar; Darryl Day, Executive Medal and Bar; Denice Harris, 20 year Pin; Jim Tilley, 30 year Pin; Nick Chafe, Branch Service Medal; Louis Vautour, Executive Medal and Bar, 30 year Pin; John Metcalf, 20 year Pin; Selby Bray, 15 year Pin, Executive Medal and Bar, Branch Service Medal; Sylvia Adams, Executive Medal with Secretary Bar, Ways and Means Bar, Branch Service Medal; Bill Meadus, 30 year Pin.

Missing from photo: Sylvia Payne, 5 year Pin; Erica Short, 5 year Pin; Arlean King, 5 year Pin; Gerry Parsons, 5 year Pin; Brittany Wiseman, Executive Medal and Bar, Branch Service Medal;  and Pauline Lambert, Executive Medal and Bar, Service Officer Bar.

District 3 Commander Bill Meadus presents Life Membership to Jackie Vokey. Jackie has been an active member of Branch 27 since joining over 24 years ago.

Clarenville Branch 27 Poppy Co-Chair Comrade Cyril McGettigan presents a $4000 donation to Heather Barbour – Chief Development Officer, Discovery Health Centre Foundation

Comrade Bill Meadus of Clarenville – Branch 27 presents a cheque for $1000.00 to Larry Reid and John Pickett of the CREST Senior Bus Service. 

Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation – Sunday, 26 May 2024

Comrade Harold Brown from Branch 32, Bay Roberts being presented with the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation by District of Avalon MP, The Honourable Ken McDonald.

Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation held at Branch 56, Pleasantville. (L – R) Presenter District of Avalon MP, The Honourable Ken McDonald, Comrade Wayne Miller (Nominator), Branch 50 Conception Bay South, Eileen Kavanagh (Recipient), Branch 50, Comrade Harold Brown (Recipient), Branch 32, Bay Roberts and Comrade Ross Petten (Nominator), Branch 32.

A cooperative service was held on May 5th, 2024, honouring the Battle of The Atlantic, between Branch #47 & Branch #57 of Labrador City and Wabush respectively. Their cadets provided the band and colour party for the parade.

Honours and Awards Ceremony for Branch 13, Corner Brook

Group photo of the members from Branch 13 who received their years of service pins.

Photo of Comrade Marilyn Hewitt who received a 50 year’s of service pin.

Branch 13, Legionnaire of the year award for 2023 presented to Comrade Robert Murphy.

Branch 5 Botwood, President Jim Hancock (left) presents a $500 cheque to Arch Rice, Chair of the Exploits Veterans Pavilion Action Committee.

The Second World War veteran Johnny Pauls was celebrated on Saturday, March 16th as he turned 100 and marked nearly eight decades of service to the Royal Canadian Legion. In the photo below Comrade Pauls is being presented with a plaque by Provincial Command President, Comrade Gerald Budden in recognition of his 100th birthday.

In recognition of his many year’s of service to Branch 9, the Branch Veterans Room has been renamed “Uncle Johnny’s Room”. A group photo of some of those present at his celebration dinner.

On March 17, 2024 Janis Boone, 1st Vice-President of NL Provincial Command of the Royal Canadian Legion conducted the Election and Installation of Officers at Gander Branch 8. 

Seated L-R: Treasurer Lynn Butler, 2nd Vice-President Allison Butler, President Daniel O’Donnell, Janis Boone, Service Officer Nelson Granter, 1st Vice-President Brian Cottrell, Secretary Shirley O’Donnell.

Standing L-R: Padre Capt. Edgar Schroeder, Executive Members Mike Keating, Oz Fudge, Beulah Cooper, Rita Pearce, Pat Woodford, Lloyd Burke (Sgt-At-Arms)

Presentation of $500. From the Poppy Trust Fund of Botwood Branch 5 to Eli Rowsell of Heroes Mending on the Fly by Branch 5 President – Comrade James Hancock.

Comrade Nicole Badcock being presented with the Legion Service Medal by past District 2 Commander, Comrade Harold Brown for her more than 10 year’s as the District 2 Secretary. Congratulations Nicole! (Photo courtesy of Comrade Ira Halfyard, Branch 39 – Dildo)

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